Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic

Simple Mindset Shifts for Chiropractors Working Out of a Veterinary Hospital; Dr. Kaitlyn Lackey, DC

Kaitlyn Lackey DC cAVCA

Join Dr. Kaitlyn Lackey on her latest podcast episode where she encourages you to look for opportunities to show up professionally in veterinary practices. Using her coaching experience, she invites you to shift your mindset and challenge yourself to speak up, offer your help, and share your expertise. Dr. Lackey believes that there's always a pet in need, and your help can make a difference. She encourages you to remove any roadblocks from your mind so that you can have a successful business treating animal patients with animal chiropractic.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Simple tips to help veterinarians see the value you can provide to patients
  • Using Facebook groups to help locate your ideal clients
  • How to separate yourself from the layperson and show up professionally
  • Approaching conversations with curiosity 

Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic links:

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