Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic
Our podcast is specifically designed to cater to the business and clinical practice of animal chiropractic. We are a safe space for practitioners (and students) to explore best practices for serving their animal patients and their growing business. You can find more about us at
Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic
Running Your Own Race; Dr. Kaitlyn Lackey, DC
Join Dr. Kaitlyn Lackey on her latest podcast episode where she talks about the unique clinical and business aspects of being an animal chiropractor. She provides guidance on determining what success means for you as an entrepreneur, how to set appropriate prices for your services, and identifies the specific areas you need to focus on. Dr. Lackey reminds us that while our vision may change, our ultimate goal should be to feel like we're making a difference, earning a fair income, serving the right type of clients, having the desired level of time freedom, and building a successful practice that meets our personal definition of success.
Topics covered in this episode:
- Define your success and work towards achieving it.
- Choose the right clients who align with your values and goals.
- Determine your worth and confidently charge for your services.
- Create a schedule that works for you and allows you to reach your goals.
- Identify and pursue what’s meaningful to you.
Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic Links and Resources:
- Visit the Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic website
- Visit our Facebook Page
- Visit our Instagram Page
- Visit the FAIR Health Consumer website. Use CPT code 98941
Thank you to our sponsors!
- Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic
- iPoint Touch- Integrative Veterinary Medicine EHR
- The Evidence Based Chiropractor
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