Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic
Our podcast is specifically designed to cater to the business and clinical practice of animal chiropractic. We are a safe space for practitioners (and students) to explore best practices for serving their animal patients and their growing business. You can find more about us at
Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic
Interview with Dr. Mindy Neal, DC, AVCA Certified: Steer Adjusting!
Mindy Neal, D.C. of Bovina is a chiropractor and owner of The Bone Joint Chiropractic. She is a member of the Texas Chiropractic Association and the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association. She is the current chairman of Parmer Rhea, LLC. in Parmer County, and the former vice president of the Basketball League of Bovina. She previously served as the vice president of the Bovina Booster Club. She received a Bachelor of Science in biomedical science from Texas A&M University and a Doctor of Chiropractic from Parker College of Chiropractic. With her remarkable talent, she has successfully extended her chiropractic practice to include working with livestock, particularly show steers and dairy cows. Furthermore, Dr. Neal is actively advocating for changes in Chiropractic Laws in Texas.
Topics covered in this episode:
- Dr. Mindy's journey toward steer adjusting
- Understanding the primary reasons for cow adjustments and how to identify them
- Recognizing restriction patterns in show cows and their impact on balance in the show ring
- Gaining insight into reading cattle body language
- The differences between adjusting show steers and dairy cows
- Successfully adjusting a bucking bull
- Collaborating with livestock owners for optimal outcomes
- Valuable advice for aspiring chiropractors interested in adjusting steers and the essential factors for professional success
- Introduction to the Steer Adjusting Zoom Course
Links and Resources:
- Find the Steer Adjusting Course on the Animal Care Committee of Texas Facebook Page
- Contact Dr. Mindy at 806-225-7377 with questions
Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic links:
- Visit the Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic website
- Visit our Facebook Page
- Visit our Instagram Page
Thank you to our sponsors!
- Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic
- iPoint Touch- Integrative Veterinary Medicine EHR
- The Evidence Based Chiropractor
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