Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic

Attracting and Educating Customers; Dr. Kaitlyn Lackey, DC

Kaitlyn Lackey, DC, cAVCA

In this episode, Dr. Katie from Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic delves into the clinical and business aspects of being an animal chiropractic provider. She shares her passion for animal chiropractic care and discusses customers' common challenges and misconceptions about the field. Dr. Katie addresses the issues of unlicensed individuals offering similar services and emphasizes the importance of positioning oneself as a specialist to attract the right clientele. She provides valuable tips on communicating effectively with potential clients, the significance of a clear mission statement, and the need for an online presence that solves customer problems. The episode is a comprehensive guide for animal chiropractors looking to improve their branding and attract more clients by offering specialized services.⁠

Topics covered in this episode: 

  • Understanding customer perception of animal chiropractic
  • Challenges with unlicensed practitioners
  • Effective marketing strategies for animal chiropractors
  • Specializing in a niche market
  • Crafting a clear and compelling message
  • Engaging with customers and collecting leads

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