Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic
Our podcast is specifically designed to cater to the business and clinical practice of animal chiropractic. We are a safe space for practitioners (and students) to explore best practices for serving their animal patients and their growing business. You can find more about us at
Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic
Kindness in Practice: Building Better Boundaries in Animal Chiropractic; Dr. Kaitlyn Lackey, DC
In this episode of the Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic podcast, Dr. Katie explores the critical distinction between being a kind business owner versus a nice one. She shares insights inspired by Alex and Layla Hermosi on setting professional boundaries to avoid burnout and maintain personal well-being. Dr. Katie emphasizes the importance of having clear practice policies, identifying ideal clients, and implementing systems to ensure your business runs smoothly without constant personal involvement. She encourages you to establish and respect boundaries to ensure long-term satisfaction and sustainability in your practice.
Topics covered in this episode:
- The difference between kind and nice people
- Personal experiences and challenges
- The importance of boundaries
- Strategies for practice owners
- Identifying your ideal client
- Implementing practice policies
- Automation and delegation
Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic Links and Resources:
- Visit the Making Strides for Animal Chiropractic website
- Visit our Facebook Page
- Visit our Instagram Page
Thank you to our sponsors!
- Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic
- iPoint Touch- Integrative Veterinary Medicine EHR
- The Evidence Based Chiropractor
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